Meet Sac BHC Youth Media Team newest member Kyanu Ausmer…

Hey there my name is Kyanu Ausmer and I am a part of the SAC BHC Youth Media Team. I am 20 years old and I am from Gulfport, Mississippi and I now reside in Elk Grove, California. My goal in life is to become a successful film director. I’ve had a passion for film/movies since I was 5 years old. I didn’t want to become a director at first. Being an actor peeked my interest. I participated in all of my high school productions all four years.

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Also in high school, I was a weekly news person and I would give my review or criticism of movies that would come out and I would notify people to go see it or not. It wasn’t until my junior year in high school when it dawned on me that I wanted to be behind the camera instead of in front of it. I know everything about the movie industry from the budgeting to the music to the special effects and many more things. I am a person who believes in his passion and wants to make great films for the upcoming ages all around the world. What I want to accomplish out of this program is to obtain the knowledge and skill that I’m going to need in the later future. 

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We Connect Event at Sac High…

On November 22, 2014, there was a health/resource fair hosted at Sacramento High School by WE Connect. The objective of this event was to connect the all attendees to the resources we had available in the community to promote a healthier and financially secured lifestyle. Despite the rainy weather conditions on that Saturday morning, there were still a lot of attendees that allowed us to extend our resources to through our table, The Hub. With the Sac BHC Youth Media Team’s coverage, we would deem this event successful due to the many positive interactions we encountered.IMG_0121

Aside from The Hub’s participation, there was an immense support coming from the community resources which ranged from helping attendees with a basic health checkup, offering healthier food options, free phones, housing information, immigration services, and plenty more. These events brought to you by WE Connect truly follow their program philosophy of making these one-stop-shop resource environments.

WE Connect was founded by the former California First lady, Maria Shriver in 2005, and since then it has expanded into becoming a community resource hub with the resources they are connected to as well as being under The Endowment’s wing.


Jeffrey Phung, Sac BHC Youth Media Team

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Sac BHC’s All-Grantee Meeting…

On Monday November 10th, 2014 Sac BHC held an All Grantee meeting at the Oak Park Community center, hosted by the Hub and TCE from their Sac BHC Initiative. Grantees started to arrive around 9:00 P.M to get informed about what’s happening with BHC locally and statewide.  As they were greeted with coffee and a light breakfast to wake them up, conversations went up.  bobbyblog

The grantees spoke to each other saying “hey, how are you” and “what’s going on in your organization”. Conversations couldn’t have been more informative about the work they do. Then it was off to settle down and check out what the presenters had to offer. We had presentations from Christine Tien who spoke on TCE’s behalf and their different campaigns and how/where the grantees fit in with the work they do for BHC; LPC’s Tiffany Wilson and Lynne Cannady, spoke the about data that has been gathered throughout the year; Sac BHC hub manager gave an update on BHC team, and also spoke about the resources that BHC has to offer to the grantees, so that they can continue to thrive in BHC’S initiative.

There were also presentations from our Action Team Co-Chairs.  Shawn Harrison from Food Access Action Team, Kim Williams BMoC, Carl Pinkston BMoC, Elaine Abelaye, Health For All Action Team and  Charles Mason, Land Use Action Team as they all spoke about campaigns  that their Action Teams are working on.

Overall sac BHC grantees walked out of Oak Park community center knowing a lot of great new information about the initiative. Sac BHC looks forward to a great new year with its grantees.

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Meet Sac BHC Youth Media Team’s newest member Jeffrey Phung…



My name is Jeffrey Phung and you may recognize me as a member from Youth R.I.S.E., though it has been a while, I would like to assist the community in promoting a healthier environment for youth.

Though I haven’t kept myself involved with the community as much as I would’ve like to, I’d like to thank all those who support the SacBHC for allowing me the opportunity to return and be a part of something I’m truly passionate about. As a previous youth under Youth R.I.S.E., I understand the importance of being in a positive and healthy environment, as it’s not present in the homes of many of our youths here in South Sacramento. This is what we strive for as Sacramento Building Healthy Communities, we believe, I believe that it’s essential for the development of our future community leaders and it allows youth a safe space to be who they want to be.IMG_0032


I wish for a future with perpetual growth and happiness and I hope I can positively impact the community as much as it had impacted mine. Together we’ll change the world, one world at a time.

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Giving back to my community…

Mhong Thao, a fellow member of the Sac BHC Youth Media Team, organized photography sessions to the youth living at the Lemon Hill Mutual Housing apartments.


Distant, socially awkward, and uncomfortable, Mhong had trouble interacting with the kids. The workshops were exciting and engaging, but he still couldn’t connect with them. He came up with brilliant ideas and activities every two weeks to make the sessions fun. From learning how to use a camera to taking pictures for a scavenger hunt, Mhong’s workshops drew more kids in each time. However, he was still struggling with building a connection with the kids.IMG_0064


“He was nervous, out of his element, and uncomfortable,” said Alberto Mercado, the Sac BHC Youth Media Team Supervisor.


As Mhong became more comfortable with leading the workshops and talking to others, he became more open and friendly towards the kids. His kind and helpful attitude brought them to like him a lot more.


“I’ve seen Mhong grow up so much from this experience that I feel confident he can take on any challenge in life,” said Mercado.


Mhong wanted to give back to his community for all the things that he has received and ensure that the kids have a brighter future.

Story by, Lily Seaphan Sac BHC Youth Media Team

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Introducing our newest member, Vincent Chou…

Hi everyone!

My name is Vincent Chou and I am a second generation Mien American.  I recently graduated from UCLA majoring in Asian American Studies and just moved back home to South Sacramento where I was born and raised.  IMG_20141103_134853683

Ever since high school, I have volunteered and worked with numerous community organizations and members.  I have a strong passion for working with the youth and believe that in implementing any long term changes we hope to strive for in our community, the youth are instrumental in achieving that.

I hope to continue this work with Sac BHC as we strive to build a healthier and better community for ourselves as well as our community members living in South Sacramento.

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4th Annual BHC Convening…

On October 10, the Sac BHC Youth Media Team & the Youth Leadership Team embarked on a journey to Los Angeles. I was prepared and enthused to go because it was my first BHC Convening and the fourth annual BHC Convening. The plane ride was a little scary for some because it was their first time on a plane. We arrived at our cool hotel that same afternoon. Soon after we were booked into our hotel we were able to do a little exploring of downtown L.A.10685602_693996957363055_1215693738635852871_n

As we arrived at the reception, there was live music playing, food, and also great conversation was going on. Needless to say it was a very nice event. We ran into a lot of friends from other BHC sites such as Fresno, Richmond, and also Merced. We discussed issues that are going on in our communities and also did some catching up on how each of us has been. Soon after that it was off to bed to prepare for what the next days events had in store for us.

The following morning, Bollywood Dancing came out and even had us dance with them! It was extremely fun and they really had us moving our feet. Next, TCE gave us shirts which we were able to customize. The California Endowment also showcased 13 videos from the separate BHC sites. I had a blast on this trip but I just wish it was a bit longer so I could experience even more cool things.

Look for my next blog here on, until then, health happens here;

bobby powell

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College, College, College…

FullSizeRender (1)As my first year of college gets on its way, I realize how difficult it is to juggle work; school and family time. Some people have a misconception of that you should go to school in four years and then graduate and all is well. I have to differ with that, for me is a bit more complicated. I have to juggle dealing with my school work and also finding time to finish my assignments on time and making sure to turn in my homework. But on top of that I also have to worry about work and my personal life. It can be tricky to have a perfect balance of school, work and life. I have learned that in my first year of college, I need to take it slow and make sure that I fully understand all that is thrown at me. I also need time to hang out with my friends and family knowing that most of my weekends I have to work. Is a struggle that I feel might take me more than four years just so that I don’t have to go insane.


When I started my first class and I had my first midterm, it was so hard I didn’t know anything because I didn’t study. I told myself I got this, but when I took my first midterm I failed and it wasn’t good at all. Instead of studying I chose to go make friends and have fun because school wasn’t that important for me. I kept on telling myself its not hard I can ace this because this is so easy, but when you fail you feel so bad about yourself. I felt like I want to drop out but friends aren’t all bad, they will motivate you. Its you that have to motivate yourself, but my friend Steven Lee told me “hey if you need to go study and ditch us its ok, we will always be here if you need any help”.


So I end up dropping two classes, but be worn don’t eat more than you can chew, don’t get ahead of yourself too. I got to ahead, so now I’m just trying to survive now so this is just a message if you do go to college then be careful, take it slow if you can go fast then go fast if you cant its ok take your time.

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Hang in there girl, you’re almost done…

Each year, high school students across the nation catch a serious illness. It instills a lack of motivation and attitude in one’s studies and workload. This illness is better identified as “senioritis.” Recently, I’ve become familiar with this term as I have fallen victim to it myself. The symptoms are laziness, overly social, poor hygiene, careless attitude, and a hard time with getting out of bed. Unfortunately, I’m experiencing a bad case of it. Every morning I dread the annoying sound of my alarm, constantly reminding me that I have school. A lack of diligence was my hardest challenge. FullSizeRender

The quality of my work was rushed. My mind was in such a flurry; I couldn’t complete any one assignment to the best of my abilities. “Hey, it’s your boy Mhong here. I was stressed because I couldn’t focus on school with crazy girlfriends trying to fight my coworker,” states Mhong Thao, a member of the Sac BHC Youth Media Team.

Mhong Thao’s work ethic began to dwindle down as he became distracted with girls instead of focusing on his schoolwork. He couldn’t balance his social life with his academics. His senioritis proved difficult to overcome; however he pulled through successfully.


Hearing Thao’s story about senioritis gives me an insight into the difficulties of overcoming this crippling illness. I hope to regain my determination to finish my senior year strong!



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Lily’s Reflection on Culture…

Today as the older generations try to preserve the Mien culture, the newer generations are becoming more accustomed to the American lifestyle.Lily Blog2

The older generation is more involved with their culture as opposed to the younger ones. The elders are more knowledgeable and in touch with their spirituality, as well as comprehending the Mien language while the adults are in the middle. Their interactions with the elders and youth differ with communication. Lastly, the youth are assimilating into the American culture but are still trying to grasp onto remnants of their heritage.

“We continue our traditions by allowing the kids to observe and follow us,” said Nai Saefong.

The Mien culture is maintained through observations and listening. When a ceremony is happening, the upcoming generation has to learn the traditions by incorporating what they see and hear into action. Young men will watch their fathers and grandfathers make Mien money by hammering black sticks into the material to create detail. They’ll help with making religious sacrifices, using chickens and pigs as an offering. While young women are expected to cook certain dishes, clean up, and keep guests content.

However, I’m becoming more logical and practical. The teachings of the Mien culture don’t appeal to me, because I don’t understand the superstitions. Majority of the rituals are about receiving luck. For example, having nightmares will call for a ceremony to get rid of the bad luck or “bad spirit.” Simple things are regarded highly and I see it as paranoia. This makes me question my own culture.

As we are getting older, some will choose to uphold their family customs while others will lose sight of the importance of the Mien culture.

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