Loosing my culture…

Do you understand the teachings of your culture? Personally, as I’m growing older I have lost touch with my cultural heritage. I no longer speak my language fluently, nor do I understand my family’s customs and traditions. I’ve been adapting to the American culture and forgetting my own Mien culture. The Mien culture is a lost culture that’s not well-known in the Western Hemisphere, due to wars which resulted in the loss of their homeland. Many Mien youth are impacted by the three concepts: materialism, maturation, and image. Being a high school senior and a part of the Sac BHC Youth Media Team, I’m aware of the surrounding influences the youth are affected by. My name is Lily and social media plays a big role in the youth embracing superficial values.Lilly Blog...

Due to the exposure to Westernization through media influences, the youth are slowly assimilating and becoming more Americanized. TV, radio, schools, advertisements, etc. are some good examples the Mien youth have been affected by. Money is one materialistic value they desire to gain expensive, brand name things. However, laziness prevents them from being motivated to work and earn their luxuries. Also, puberty paves the way for the youth to mature and grow up faster. Girls begin wearing makeup and provocative clothing, while boys become obsessed with their physical image and sexual relations. Through these things, they’re misled into the “Hollywood” image. Fashions and trends sway them to conform into the youth culture, which are the way adolescents live, and the norms, values, and practices they share. Piercings and tattoos are symbols of fashion as well as an act of defiance. Many are forgetting their native tongue because English is present everywhere. These specific ideas in the media allowed many of the Mien youth to integrate into the Western culture, leaving behind their customs and beliefs.

Through generations, traditions have been lost. But eventually, the upcoming generations will want to learn more about their culture through attending classes. These classes, offered at the United Iu Mien Community Center on 6000 Lemon Hill Ave., teach the youth about the Mien history, language, and present-day situations in the Mien community. The Mien youth have become accustomed to the youth culture by following similar morals.

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My experience on Sacramento Boys and Men of Color Summit…

Hi, my name is Justin Chao and I’m going tell you what I experienced at BMoC summit. When I went to the BMoC summit they had workshops specifically on topics that young teens witness every day. The workshop, was talking about how the “N” word and how it affects a teens life. The second workshop explained how stereotyping people can break a teen’s mentality. The last workshop, explained the history of hip hop and the messages that comes from within the significant signs from lyrics to the cover of the albums.Blog Justine

At the first workshop I experienced what it means to truly call someone the “N” word and the history behind it allowing me to understand people instead of judging. Second, at the next workshop I went to, I experienced what it physically feels like to be racially stereotyped by other people. Lastly, at the last workshop, keynote speaker: Ise Lyfe, gave a special speech on what the music industry is doing to the present and future teens through music and pictures on the albums. Through these workshops it has taught me to be kind and respectful of others instead of judging and discriminating other teens of color.

The collaborative on Sacramento Boys and Men of Color is trying to help young teens like myself and lead us into the righteous path of progression instead of a life of failure. I believe that the lessons given through the workshops will provide the necessary tools to provide a change in the youth. Hopefully the ideas made through the organizations efforts will spark the minds of the youth bring change.

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Meet Sac BHC Youth Media Team newest member Lily Saephan…

Hello! My name is Lily Saephan and I’m the newest Sac BHC Youth Media Team member; I am currently senior attending Sacramento Charter High School. I became interested in the media through my Journalism class. I kept up to date with recent news and blogged about events I find interesting.IMG_0289

I love volunteering my services to the community. In my high school Key Club, we’re all about community service and positivity. Throughout my experience, I became passionate about serving those in need at homeless shelters, as well as making our community look more appealing by cleaning different parks throughout Sacramento. Also, I like to take part in advocating for a change. In the Youth @ City Council program, I delivered a legislative proposal on college tuition. My experience in these activities sparked an interest for BHC, because of the target on youth and community development. I’m excited to learn many new things and become more involved!

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Mhong’s experience on 3rd Annual Sac BMoC Summit

BlogHello readers, this is Mhong here, there was an event that was hosted by Sacramento BMOC Sacramento state on June 26, 2014 and was captured on video by the Building Healthier Community Youth Media Team. The event was hosted by the Boys and Men of Color and it was a great which gave knowledge to young colored teens. The workshops were great, and it was interesting to listen to them talk about being a man.

The first workshop that I observe I really liked because the Sacramento BHC Youth Media Team were talking about the usage of the “N” word. The second workshop surprised me because many people were working together at the event, when they didn’t even know each other. The final, workshop that had occurred intrigued me because they taught kids how respond to certain situations that they would have to face later on in life.

A man is as greater with his action then word if an action happens to it will affect him forever but if a word was spoken it can be forgiven. So action will always be more harmful to people then word, word do hurt feelings but action hurts more the person real life and will always affect them. They taught teenagers which taught me when I was there recording for the Sacramento Building Healthier Community Youth Media Team. It was inspiring to teenagers and adults.

Until next time Mhong  Thao,

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Sac BHC Youth Media Team newest member Justin Chao…

Hi, my name is Justin Chao and I am the newest member of the Sac BHC Youth Media team; I am a 15 year old Mien male whose only place in life is beside my friends and family right now and in the future. I was born and raised in Sacramento for most of my life. As a child I grew up being picked on by the kids from around the block and from school. As I grew older it seemed to me that I was going to end up in jail or worse dead at the rate of trouble I was making. JUstin Photo Blog

Then my whole life changed when I met some people who gave me advice about life based on what they have experienced. In my free time nowadays I like to play sports with friends at the park and help others who are in need of help and maybe on the side make a little bit of money. I’m not much of a reader but, I am very understanding of what people have to say about a certain subject or topic. I am not the type of person to judge you based on your appearance; I base my opinion on others after getting to know the person emotionally.

What sets me apart from most teenagers my age is my goal for my future. My goal is to be able to go to college and earn a double major in business finance and electrical engineering, so that one day I could open up an electrical company that does not steal from the everyday man or woman that does their taxes. With this goal in mind I have sown my own future for myself and my family. A wise man once told me, “If you sow a thought, you will reap an action, and if you reap an action, you will sow your fate.” Now the only question is will you sow your own fate?

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Sac BHC Youth Media Team newest member: Dwayne Hankerson

I’m Dwayne Hankerson II, and I’m pretty new to these parts, BHC that is. I’ll have the pleasure of interning over the summer with what I’m coming to find out is a great organization, Building Healthy Communities working with the Sac BHC Youth Media Team. I’m enrolled at Sac City College at the moment, in the fall I’ll be transferring to New Mexico State University. I’m Studying communications I intend on using that to become a firefighter. I’m sure you’re wondering how the two connects, but I feel you need strong interpersonal skills in order to reach the people of the city you’re working for in a major way. I also believe you need to know how to speak to people in the proper way, and I believe communications is doing that for me. New Member Blog


Here’s a little background on me. Born in East Oakland, but raised pretty much all over the bay area I believe that’s most of what shaped who I am today. Growing up in such a violent environment some would wonder how I made it out.  Keeping my head down, getting active in sports and having a great support system I believe helped me make my way out. Again I’m happy to be getting such a great opportunity to work as an advocate for people my age, and allowing their voices to be heard through social media, videos and blogs such as this.

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My recent trip to Crescent City..

10435639_627502187345866_7817161273863938055_nHi guys this is Mhong from Sacramento BHC Youth Media Team. On June 12, 2014 the Sacramento Youth Leadership Team along with Sacramento BHC Youth Media Team members travel to Crescent City to meet with youth from Northern BHC sites. We went to talk about our youth issues that we are having in our community.

When we were in Crescent City it was a life time experience for me and it change me. I was so nervous but when got to meet new people everything turned out to be good. When we were there it was interesting to learn about other BHC youth and their experience at their sites.

A lot of the issues that we found in this convening we realized that if we can work together we can accomplish more as a group then if we divide ourselves. Also we realized that with our voice we have power and we must use it to change our communities. We hold the keys to our future and I believe that we now will have a better one because of our envolvement.

We expressed ourselves to the other BHC youth and the BHC youth gives ideas to us and try to help us out and we would do the same for them too. We would try to figure each other problems by trying to help each other by giving idea so when we come back, we can use those ideas to build healthier communities for one another. Our main goal is to try and make everything better for everyone so everyone can live a better life.

Well that’s it for my experience see you next time.

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10330482_604776112951807_1557606303402408275_nWoo! It is hot… That can only mean one thing – it’s summer!

Hey guys! It’s me Daniel. I’m back at the office and this time I want to talk to you about graduation and senior year.

Senior year by far, has been the best year for me. It treated me right; I got to lay back a little while still firmly keeping my foot on the pedal.

Memories were made and stories were told. I could remember the sad feeling I got from going to my last football game. My last homecoming dance and my Senior Ball. The last time I ever stepped on the soccer pitch. And the last time I roamed freely through the halls. I made great friends and friends, who to me, became like family. But like all great things, everything comes to an end.

This year, as always, the Class of 2014 will be graduating at the Memorial Auditorium located on J Street this Friday, June 6th @ 6:00 PM.

The ceremony will include student speeches, a slideshow, and many other cool things. (By the way. I made the senior slideshow.  Just saying…

Students will then receive their diploma and join the graduating class of 2014 as the tassels are moved from left to right.

Festivities and parties are sure to follow after the event, as of course it is a big moment for not only the student, but their friends and family as well.

As we enjoy our time and reminisce over the past four years, we think of all the memories that have been made. Tears are shed. But we’re all smiling as we know it’s not all over. We still have a whole lifetime ahead of us; some will continue the path of education, others will serve our country, and others will join the workforce. Me personally, I will continue to study Film and Television Production at CSU Long Beach. And as for you? I would like to know what will you do with your life? Please share your stories down below in the comments.

Over and out – Daniel Escobar

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Meet Sac BHC Youth Media Team’s newest member Mhong Y. Thao

mhongPicHi! This is Mhong Yeng Thao here and I would like to say I am so excited to work with Sac BHC! So I hope you enjoy my blog.

The communities in the Sacramento area aren’t what they used to be – the quality of life is unhealthy and I want to help put an end to this! I want to find a way to serve the people in our community and reach out to others in other communities. I would also like to see people get a fair chance at life; I believe everybody deserves a chance at life, it doesn’t matter what they’ve done or who they are, but who they strive to become. I am a really charismatic person and I love to lend a helping hand to those who need it. I also love to visit other communities and try to help them with whatever needs to be fixed. When I get older, I would like to see future generations to continue what we have begun; to help the community and make it a better and healthier place.


Now a little bit history about who I am.  I’m 18 years old and I attend Luther Burbank High School. I’m a big time athlete and some of my favorite sports are soccer, basketball, football, and swimming. I’m a very hard worker and can’t stand the idea of just laying around, so I often go for a work out or go on a run. I also love taking photos of serious and dedicated athletes. I’m a very outgoing person, but when work needs to be done I will get it done. But other than that, I would like to follow my dream of making my own studio one day and opening it up to the public. Well that’s it for now; hope you enjoyed reading my blog. See ya later!

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Sacramento BHC Leadership Academy

Leadership Academy Blog Picture a1HELLO EVERYBODY!!! It’s me Daniel, here again to keep you up on the latest. Last Tuesday, the Sac BHC Youth Media Team covered Sacramento BHC Leadership Academy at the Fruitridge Community Center. Those who were able to attend were greeted by friendly smiles and delicious food. Attending participants were also invited to take part in the discussion of this month; how to convince others to participate in the community. Professionals who have done this for many years and do this for a living were brought in to the meeting, where they shared amongst us many things, including tips and tricks on how to get other people involved. Community organizers gave a short speech and presentation about themselves and the work they do.  Organizers  shared with the participants  that the best ways to campaign is by being clear and concise in your project. Always start off by stating your name and who you’re working for. Then proceed to state what your intentions are, or what you’re after. They also suggest handing a brochure or a clipboard with information to your listener, allowing for the listener to anticipate what you will have to say and to gain a better understanding of the organization you work for. Another rule they added was to be an attentive listener, meaning you only speak about 20% of the time and listen to your audiences concern’s and questions for the other 80% of the time. This allows for better relationships to be established because it suggests that you truly care for their concerns. After providing us with this valuable information, participants were invited to take part in an exercise which allowed for them to practice how to best approach an audience. Many individuals were happy to take part and everybody unanimously agreed that they felt better prepared to take on such situations in the real world. Stay tuned for my next blog in two weeks….

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