Date(s) - January 29, 2018
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Oak Park Community Center
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The City of Sacramento’s announcement about a series of open houses to solicit community feedback on two draft plans: the draft Vision Zero Action Plan and the draft implementation plan for the Bicycle Master Plan. The upcoming event in Oak Park on Mon., Jan 29 is an important opportunity for BHC residents and allied organizations to learn more about both plans, including how they influence one another.
The VZ plan addresses safety-related engineering countermeasures, with provisions that specify how they will be directed to historically underserved neighborhoods, as well as education and enforcement strategies for helping prevent severe-injury and fatal collisions. The BMP implementation plan addresses priorities for building proposed bike facilities, including how those investments will be prioritized in underserved neighborhoods. The two plans influence each other by establishing safety as the City’s most important priority for implementing Bicycle Master Plan improvements and implementation processes with that goal in mind.