Black Child Legacy Campaign

Tragically, in Sacramento County African American children die at very disproportional rates, two times the rate of other children. In 2013, following the Blue Ribbon Commission report, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors established the Steering Committee on Reduction of African American Child Deaths (RAACD), a community-driven body, to reduce deaths among African American children by between 10 percent and 20 percent by 2020.
The Blue Ribbon Commission found that these disproportionate deaths were occurring most prevalently due to four causes of death and in six Sacramento communities:

Four Leading Causes of Death:

Infant sleep related deaths

Perinatal conditions

Child abuse and neglect homicides

Third-party homicide

Targeted Communities:

Valley Hi/Meadowview


North Sacramento/Del Paso Heights

Oak Park

North Highlands/Foothill

Fruitridge/Stockton Boulevard


Proposed Strategic Plan
The proposed strategic plan, which was presented during a safety net workshop to the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors, recommends five interdependent strategies.

Five Interdependent Strategies:
Advocacy and Policy – Form and convene a community-based Leadership Roundtable

Equitable Investment and Systematic Impact – Establish the Sacramento County’s Interagency Children’s Policy Council (ICPC) as a public partner to the steering committee accountable to the Board of Supervisors.

Coordinated Systems of Support – Launch a Technical Assistance Resource Center (TARC) that is overseen by the Steering Committee and is supportive of Interagency Children’s Policy Council (ICPC) strategies and investments.

Data-driven Accountability and Collective Impact – Design a monitoring and reporting system to document and report progress to the community and Board of Supervisors on established benchmarks for reducing African American child deaths.

Communications and Information Systems – Develop a retail communications strategy (grassroots media campaign) focused on the prevention and reduction of African American child deaths.


Partner Agencies: Sacramento Building Healthy Communities, Center for Community Health and Well Being, Always Knocking, People Reaching Out, HAWK, We Can Work It Out, Black Parallel School Board, MDT

Address: 4625 Stockton Blvd., Room 10, Sacramento, CA 95820

Phone Number: 916-431-7485



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